Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Dam

I couldn't let the evening pass without sharing yet another gorgeous image from Adams' Mural Project collection.  It's Image 3 from the slideshow, Boulder Dam, Colorado River, Nevada / Arizona Border, 1942, National Archives no. 79-AAB-4 Ansel Adams.

This image is unlike many from his Mural Project work in the national parks, in that it focuses on a man-made wonder.  So much of his work is of the more natural type.  But this was part of the assignment.  Human creation is worth celebrating, and this dam is a truly immense and valuable creation.

Now, here's where it gets surprising: see the tiny specks near the top of the bridge.  Go ahead -- check them out.  I'll wait.

Still waiting...

Alright, time's up.

My colleague Ron pointed out to me how fine the new scans are.  Check out this enlargement of the top edge of the dam:

People.  We can see people -- and their cars -- on the dam.  Credit Adams' large-format camera and his fine workmanship.

Can I get a "Wow?"


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