Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reaching out to the National Archives

I tried my first digital outreach to the National Archives this week.  There's an online Web-form system to ask questions of archivists -- somewhere on the

This is one "busy" website.  I find it pretty easy to get lost in it, which might be a commentary on its usability for noobs -- or more likely on my tiny brain and the woeful amount of time I've spent in NARA-space.

In any case, I'm not entirely certain the Web-form works.  It promises a two-stage response to inquiries: 1st, an immediate response to let us know the message has been received; 2nd, a more meaningful response from someone at NARA.  At least that's what I recall.  In any case, I haven't yet received the receipt notice.  I suspect they're on a similar M-F schedule as most federal workers, so I'll give them until Tuesday for the "immediate" response, then follow-up.

The Archives has an excellent variety of Adams prints for sale -- and I don't mind plugging them, since most of their prints neither cross-over with the works we're fund-raising with, nor possess the same digital "cleanliness"of ours.  Besides, I just like the National Archives mission and if I can do them a good turn with a "plug," I'm ok with that.  Go Archives!



  1. Nada. I think they don't know I'm here.

    Perhaps there's a bug in their online system...

  2. Here's the URL for the form I tried. I'm going to give it one more try before ... whatever's next.


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